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African chants, songs, dances

Alligator One

Alligator one, alligator two,
Alligator both for me and you.
Alligator low, alligator high,
Alligator in the ground and also in the sky.

Alligator Pie

Alligator pie, alligator pie,
If I don't get some, I think I'm gonna die.
Take away the sunshine, take away the sky,
But don't take away my alligator pie.

Bate Bate Chocolate - lesson ideas

Bate bate chocolate
Con arroz y con tomate
Uno, dos, tres - Cho
Uno, dos, tres - Co
Uno, dos, tres - La
Uno, dos, tres - Te
Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate!

Betty Botter - 1st grade program

Betty Botter
 bought some butter.

"But," she said,
"the butter's bitter.

If I put it
 in my batter,

it will make 
my batter bitter.

But a bit 
of better butter--

that would make 
my batter better."
So she bought 
a bit of butter,

better than 
her bitter butter.

And she put it 
in her batter,

and the batter 
was not bitter.

So 'twas better
 Betty Botter

bought a bit
 of better butter!

Boom Chicka Boom

I said boom chicka-boom! (Echo: boom chicka-boom)
I said boom chicka-boom! (Echo: boom chicka-boom)
I said booma-chicka-rocka-chicka-rocka-chicka-boom!
(Echo: booma-chicka-rocka-chicka-rocka-chicka-boom!)
Uh huh! (echo)
Oh yeah! (echo)
One more time...

  • Underwater: sing with fingers dribbling against your lips
  • Old person voice
  • Baby voice
  • Frankenstein voice
  • Computer-generated voice
  • Loud/Soft; Slow/Fast; High/Low; Whisper/Singing Voice
  • Add emotions: scared, happy, angry, etc.
  • Add steady beat with body percussion

Caterpillar (traditional)

A caterpillar crawled (Crawl right index finger up the left arm like a caterpillar.)
To the top of a tree.

"I think I'll take a nap," said he. (Wiggle right index finger.)
So under the leaf he began to creep. (Move under left hand.)
He spun a cocoon and he fell asleep. (Make fist around index finger.)
For two long weeks he slept in that cocoon bed,

Till spring came along and said,

"Wake up! Wake up! You sleepy head." (Shake arms.)
Out of the leaf he did cry. 
"Look, I am a butterfly." (Hook thumbs and spread fingers to make a butterfly.)


There's a neat little clock,
In the schoolroom it stands.
And it points to the time
With its two little hands.

And may we, like the clock,
Keep a face clean and bright,
With hands ever ready
To do what is right.

Diddle Diddle Dumpling

Diddle diddle dumpling my son John,
Went to bed with his stockings (trousers) on
One shoe off and one shoe on
Diddle diddle dumpling my son John.

Early in the Morning

Early in the morning
At eight o'clock
I can hear the postman
Knock, knock, knock
Up jumps (child's name)
And goes to the door -
One letter, two letters, three letters, four!


The elephant walks this way and that,
He's terribly big and terribly fat.
He has no fingers,
He has no toes,
But goodness gracious,
What a nose!

Five Little Monkeys

Five little monkeys hanging from a tree,
Teasing Mr. Crocodile, 
"You can't catch me, no you can't catch me!"
Along came the crocodile, slow as can be:

Four little monkeys...

Five Little Pumpkins - lesson ideas

Five little pumpkins  Sitting on a gate
The first one said, “Oh my, it’s getting late!”
The second one said, "Let’s dance, let’s prance,
The third one said, "Now is our chance!"
The fourth one said, "Let’s run, run run!"
The fifth one said, "Let's have some fun!"
When "ooooooh" went the wind
And out went the light
And the five little pumpkins
Rolled out of sight.

Fuzzy Wuzzy

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear,

Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair,
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy, was he?

Loose Tooth Chant

I have a loose tooth,
A wiggely, jiggely loose tooth.
I have a loose tooth,
A-hanging by a thread.

So I pulled my loose tooth,
A wiggely, jiggely loose tooth.
Put it 'neath my pillow,
And then I went to bed.

Someone stole my loose tooth!
My wiggely, jiggely loose tooth.
Now I have a nickel
And a hole in my head!

Old King Cole - lesson ideas

Old King Cole was a merry old soul,
And a merry old soul was he.
He called for his pipe and he called for his bowl,
And he called for his fidd'lers three.

One Two Buckle My Shoe

One, two, buckle my shoe,
Three, four, shut the door,
Five, six, pick up sticks.
Seven, eight, lay them straight.
Nine, ten, a big fat hen!

One Two Three, Johnny Caught a Flea

One two three,
Johnny caught a flea.
Flea died, Johnny cried.
Tee hee hee!

One Two Three Four

One two three four,
Mary's at the cottage door.
Five six seven eight,
Eating cherries off her plate.

Rain on the Green Grass

Rain on the green grass,
Rain on the tree,
Rain on the housetop,
But not on me!

Rooms for Rent

Rooms for rent, inquire within.
When I move out, let (child's name) in!

Solomon Grundy

Solomon Grundy,
Born on a Monday,
Christened on Tuesday,
Married on Wednesday,
Took ill on Thursday,
Worse on Friday,
Died on Saturday,
Buried on Sunday.
This is the tale
Of Solomon Grundy.

Three Little Muffins

Three Little Muffins in the bakery shop
(whispered) You know the kind with the honey and the nuts on the top.
Along came a boy with a penny to pay,
Bought one muffin and ran away.

And there were two little muffins in the bakery shop,

(whispered) You know the kind with the honey and the nuts on the top.
Along came a boy with a penny to pay,
Bought one muffin and ran away.

And there was one little muffin in the bakery shop,

(whispered) You know the kind with the honey and the nuts on the top.
Along came a boy with a penny to pay,
Bought one muffin and ran away.

And there was no little muffins in the bakery shop,

(whispered) You know the kind with the honey and the nuts on the top.

Along came a boy with a penny to pay,
And he said: "What?! No muffins?!"

Three Little Muffins

All: Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?
Teacher: (Susie) stole the cookie from the cookie jar.
Student named Susie: Who, me?
All: Yes, you!
Susie: Couldn't be!
All: Then who?


Woodchuck - lesson ideas

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

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