"Elena and Igor have an ear to create space within their music, moments where their instruments can breath and the listener can fully appreciate the beauty that is being played out before them. The poignant combination of Elena's lingering vocals and the delicate acoustic/electric guitars demonstrate how simplicity in music is something to be applauded." || Daughter
"San Diego's Kids have delivered one of the most refreshing records I have come across so far this year in the shape of their debut EP 'Summer Frights'. What makes this even more delightful and impressive is that the 5-piece (Nature, Cory, Blake, Ben, and Matt) all between the ages of just 17 and 19. Kids, appropriately titled then." || Kids
"Standing at seven tracks in length, Sea Oleena’s new release 'Sleeplessness' could be considered more mini-album than EP, but that still wouldn’t justify the enormity of the music recorded by MontrĂ©al multi-instrumentalist Charlotte Loseth. The record is a beautiful warm blanket of songs, each one an epic cacophony of layered sounds, reverb and haunting female vocals delivered with the unassuming charm of a girl humming a song in her bedroom." || Sea Oleena
"Samba Samba Samba is a record that will put a smile on your face when you're feeling down, get you in the mood to go out and party, or even for those times when you need to reflect. It's an all encompassing album from a band who clearly have the talents and the mindset to reach as many heads and hearts as they please." || Lightguides
"A big feature of Gunning For Tamar’s post-hardcore that sets them apart from the competition is the epic and emotive vocals – containing both gentle vulnerability and commanding strength. These (scream-free) vocals, together with the general intricate nature of the layered guitars, recall the intelligent emo of Funeral For A Friend’s ‘Memory And Humanity.’ And just like FFAF, Gunning For Tamar are able to sound both progressive and accessible through their soaring melodies." || Gunning For Tamar