Do you know the story of the Star Spangled Banner? Are you also aware of what has happened to the original flag that flew over Fort McHenry? Interesting stuff. Check out these websites. I tell the students both of these stories in 5th grade. I think it's important they learn how to sing the national anthem. Then I have discussions with them about why they think it is important to learn the national anthem.
Virtual Sheet Music
- The Smithsonian's National Museum of American History - where the Star Spangled Banner is now. Smithsonian Museum
- The words to the song. SSB Lyrics
- Great information about the flag. American flag information
- This is the web site for The Flag House & Star-Spangled Banner Museum, Birthplace of America's Flag. SSB Museum
- It survived a war, but it's losing a battle with time. Find out why our Star Spangled Banner is worth saving. History Channel: SSB
- Francis Scott Key online games. Francis Scott Key games
- The untold story of the SSB
- Video of the story
- Another video
We listen to different versions of the song. The students write what they hear and fill out this sheet.