A good song for fast and slow is a transportation song, where the kids can imagine - and act out - the movement as they sing. For instance, for a train song, imagine the train begins slowly, gets going quickly, and then slows down and stops.
Hint: Before moving, to make for smooth transitions, have kids practice by keeping the beat while patsching in place. You keep the steady beat by playing a drum or other unpitched percussion that can be heard over their marching once they start moving.
(See also Sea Shanties)
A Sailor Went to Sea Sea Sea - hand clapping game
Bobby Shaftoe
Charlie Over the Ocean - lesson ideas
Little Red Caboose
Git on Board
Engine Engine
Down By the Station
Little Red Wagon
Idea: Change lyrics to reflect your motions:
"Now I'm moving slow with my little red wagon..." - tell them to pretend to pull the wagon with something heavy inside.
"Now I'm moving fast with my little red wagon..." - pretend to pull an empty wagon.
Idea: If there's not much space to safely move around the room quickly, you could have half the class move while half the class is playing the steady beat on instruments.
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
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» Transportation Songs-Fast & Slow
Transportation Songs-Fast & Slow
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