(1) While singing on different days, we add motions:
- Use Curwen hand signs.
- Sometimes, it is easier for students to move in larger kinesthetic motions than use Curwen hand signs.
Mi: Touch shoulders
So: Touch head
La: Hands up in the air
- Another variation is
Mi: Sit
So: Stand
La: Stand on tip toe
(2) Students stand in a circle, each with one bouncy ball (I call them "notes" to avoid embarrassing instructions like "Hold your balls"). :-)
Mi: bounce on floor
So: hold "note" in front of body
La: hold "note" up over head.
(3) To help students listen to high and low sounds, I encourage them to periodically to lightly place their hands over their throats when they sing. Feeling the vibrations can help them to decide if the sounds go up or down.
(4) Have 4 students go to the front and demonstrate the first 4 notes by holding "notes" (bouncy balls) - from left to right as the rest of the class sees them.
(6) Other times, as you start to sing the song, have the students do the motions (one of the motions on #1) without your help. If they aren't sure if the tones go up or down, have them feel the vibrations in their throats as they sing (see #3).