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5th Grade Lessons 1-7

Each lesson is 30 minutes long.

LESSON 1 - Introduction
1. Sing School Song - patsching steady beat while singing
2. Music Room Rules / Announcements
3. Sing Character Counts

LESSON 2 - Rhythm
1. School Song / Character Counts
2. Seating chart
3. 1-2 minutes of echo patterns. (I do 4/4 rhythm, they echo.) I vary body percussion.
4. Hoop Rhythms – add body percussion (snap, clap, pat, stamp)
    - Use 8-beat patterns
    - Play shuffle blues beat on keyboard
    - Student "conductors" take turns by standing in one hoop at a time while students do the appropriate body percussion: 8 beats in each hoop. I say, "switch" at about beat 6 to help the "conductor" know when to go to a different hoop.
5. BOOK: Frank was a Monster Who Wanted to Dance
6. Introduce Fooba Wooba – I sing, teach students how to add motions (then I tell them it's easier to do the motions if they sing along!)

LESSON 3 - Rhythm
1. School Song / Character Counts
2. 1-2 minutes of echo patterns. (I do 4/4 rhythm, they echo.) I vary body percussion.
3. 4 colored note cards on board I demonstrate a quarter note by patting the steady beat along with the shuffle blues beat on the keyboard. 
    - Ask, "Which note am I doing?" 
    - Demonstrate (and they do also) all of the notes on the colored cards (whole, half, quarter, eighth). Do hoops again with note durations this time  – a few conductors
    - Someone to front to put 4 hoops in order. (See hoops page "Variations.")
4. Frank was Monster review
    - Hoops with improvisation
    - Bubbles: "Body percussion: stamp" becomes "walk around room"
5. Fooba Wooba – sing
    - Look at PowerPoint slide with rhythms. “Ta” and figure out which rhythm pattern is which line of the song.

LESSON 4 - Rhythm
1. Character Counts 
2. Fooba Wooba – sing
    - Look at Fooba rhythm cards on the board.  Put them in order of song.  “Ta” the rhythms
    - Before passing out instruments, tell students the instrument rule: play only when you are supposed to - or you lose the chance to play the instrument. As instruments are passed out, I take the time the first few lessons to name and demonstrate each instrument.
    - Instruments: Group 1 (4-6 students) = hand drums; 2 = claves; 3 = maracas; 4 = guiros; 5 = triangles; 6 = cabasas
    - Put Fooba rhythms on board with colored magnet next to rhythms and let the groups know which group plays which rhythm pattern.
4. Show Check Yourself PowerPoint.
    - Students encouraged to check their knowledge of the notes and rests. Have them write the notes and rests down on pieces of paper they can use to study from.

LESSON 5 - Rhythm
1. Character Counts
2. Start Hole in the Middle of the Sea - I sing all the way through. I even made up a story that I was sitting on the beach one day when I saw... (have fun!) I have practiced it so many times that I can now sing it super-fast! Impress them with your speed and tell them you don't think they can sing that fast (and then they will want to try to beat you - even the boys!)
3. Check Yourself – rhythms first
    - Pass out instruments
      - Pass out instruments
    - Each riser play in order: 1,2,3,4
    - Switch instruments until 5 mins left in class
4. Students look at their Check Yourself notes - or check their knowledge in other ways.

LESSON 6 - Rhythm
1. Character Counts
2. Hole in the Middle of the Sea
    - Sing
    - Holehandout. Find time signature, barlines, quarter notes, eighth rests
    - Use colored notes on board. Show all notes & rests – students use the chart on the handout to figure out which is which.
    - Back of handout: give students 30 secs to figure out how to say each rhythm. Chant rhythms (with repeats).
    - Each riser gets assigned a rhythm. They have a minute to practice, then perform for the class, and the class echoes.

LESSON 7 - Rhythm
1. Character Counts
2. Hole in the Middle of the Sea
    - Sing
    - Hole handout – Students figure out how to remember the differences between all notes & rests.
    - Review rhythms on back.  Add instruments. Switch until 5 mins left.

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