With this lesson, I put the students into 6 groups, each group has a rhythm instrument. I like to make sure I have 5-6 of each type of instrument (1 per student):
Group 1 = claves
Group 2 = guiros
Group 3 = hand drums
Group 4 = tambourines
Group 5 = triangles
Group 6 = woodblocks
1) The whole class practices the rhythms, both clapping and saying the rhythm syllables (I use "ta" and "ti-ti"). Students are told they must clap while practicing if they want to play instruments.
2) Put class into 6 groups. Each group is assigned one of the rhythms. Tell students to look at the rhythm and guess how to say it. Each group practices saying and clapping.
3) Pass out instrument bins. I name the instruments (students echo) and demonstrate the correct way to play.
4) I remind them of the instrument rule: You play when you are not supposed to, and you lose your instrument. (Sometimes I will let them have an instrument the next time around when we switch instruments, sometimes not.) :-)
5) All students pick up instruments. We play all 6 measures in order with each group playing one measure. That means they have to watch to know when to play. I will usually point along, especially at first.
6) Switch instruments.