There are a lot of ways you can use this song.
Use it as a Refrain, while you have students take turns saying their names, maybe 2 in a row, then repeat the refrain.
With younger students, you could have the students clap the rhythm of their name while saying it. Help them make sure they clap the right number of syllables. The class echoes.
With older students, on the first day, you could have each student say:
"My name is Susie." (class echoes) "Your name is Susie."
I like doing 2 in a row, then repeating the Refrain.
On a second day, each student can say the name of the person on their right, then their left:
"His name is Sammy, Her name is Susie." Class echoes.
Encourage students to stay on the beat.
Another day you could have a bean bag that someone tosses in front of someone else. That person says his/her name, then tosses the bean bag to someone else.
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» Identification: A Name Game
Identification: A Name Game
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