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Character Counts

Does anyone else do Character Counts? I found/edited songs for each of the character traits and taught my Chorus to sing them for the school assemblies - and the other students learned the refrains to sing along.

I start by teaching all of the students the Character Counts song, written by Lee Greenwood (of the God Bless the USA fame). It's upbeat, and the kids love it. It has a lot of lyrics, but the words are "meaty" and helpful to discuss the meaning of good character. Our assistant principal has even printed out the lyrics in her office and uses it to reinforce good behavior to the students who need it. :-) (I transposed the song to E minor.)

For TRUSTWORTHINESS, I use the song Trust is a Must Blues by Roger Emerson. Cute song!

For RESPECT, I use the song R-E-S-P-E-C-T by Roger Emerson - not the Aretha version, but very cute also!

For RESPONSIBILITY, I use the tune of a Spiritual and wrote my own words.

For FAIRNESS, I adapted the song Sing About Martin by Jackie Weissman, since we use the word "fairness" to discuss Martin Luther King Jr.  I add "Sing about fairness," instead of one of the phrases in the song.

For CARING, I use Lean on Me by Bill Withers.

For CITIZENSHIP, I use Save the Planet by Gene Grier & Lowell Everson (Silver Burdett, Gr.3, CD 4-21). 

I changed the verses to say: "Well do our share to help the school and our community. Cooperate and stay informed. Respect authority!"

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