LESSON 1 - Introduction
- Steady Beat
- Singing Voice
1. Sing School Song - patsching steady beat while singing
2. Music Room Rules / Announcements
3. Sing Character Counts
- Steady Beat
- Singing Voice
1. Sing School Song - patsching steady beat while singing
2. Music Room Rules / Announcements
3. Sing Character Counts
LESSON 2 - Rhythm / Melody
- Steady Beat
- Singing voice
- Melody: high, low
- Movement
1. Sing School Song & Character Counts
2. Welcome Back to School - from GamePlan: Grade 1 Curriculum
- Teach song – I sing high: “Can you clap and count to 8”, they echo, then I sing octave lower, they echo.
- clap, snap, pat, (stand) jump, march, robot
- Practice high and low singing voices: “I am singing high notes now…”
- Students think of motions
3. Book: Quick as a Cricket
- Read book.
- Tell students they will be acting out the animals silently. Practice a "lion's roar" silently.
- Students move in "bubbles" while I play the read the book and play the keyboard in the style of each animal. Every time I stop playing, they freeze.
- Steady Beat
- Singing voice
- Melody: high, low
- Movement
1. Sing School Song & Character Counts
2. Welcome Back to School - from GamePlan: Grade 1 Curriculum
- Teach song – I sing high: “Can you clap and count to 8”, they echo, then I sing octave lower, they echo.
- clap, snap, pat, (stand) jump, march, robot
- Practice high and low singing voices: “I am singing high notes now…”
- Students think of motions
3. Book: Quick as a Cricket
- Read book.
- Tell students they will be acting out the animals silently. Practice a "lion's roar" silently.
- Students move in "bubbles" while I play the read the book and play the keyboard in the style of each animal. Every time I stop playing, they freeze.
LESSON 3 - Rhythm / Melody
- Steady Beat
- Singing voice
- Melody: high, low
- Movement
1. Sing School Song & Character Counts
2. Welcome Back to School
- Practice the "high / low" parts again
- "I can _____ and count to eight," put in words: clap, snap, pat, (standing) jump, march, robot
- Practice playing drums in air
- 6 s. get drums from shelves, put in middle. Sing, play & count to 8.
3. BOOK: Quick as a Cricket
- Bubbles, act out.
4. BOOK: Dance! – Bill T. Jones
- Read book.
- Explain that students will move in bubbles again. This time, I will play the keyboard with examples of melodies "with beat" and "no beat." When they hear something with a beat, they must march around the room. When they hear something with NO beat, they must move in
3. BOOK: Quick as a Cricket
- Bubbles, act out.
4. BOOK: Dance! – Bill T. Jones
- Read book.
- Explain that students will move in bubbles again. This time, I will play the keyboard with examples of melodies "with beat" and "no beat." When they hear something with a beat, they must march around the room. When they hear something with NO beat, they must move in
LESSON 4 - Rhythm / Melody
- Steady Beat
- Singing voice
- Melody: high, low
- Movement
1. Sing School Song & Character Counts
2. Welcome Back to School
- Practice the "high / low" parts again, this time students demonstrate high and low with arms up and down
- I play some notes high and low on the keyboard. Students demonstrate with their arms whether I am playing high or low.
- "I can _____ and count to eight," put in word "click." Students pantomime using woodblocks.
- I demonstrate how to play woodblocks and explain the instrument rule: Students must only play when they are supposed to. If they play when they are not supposed to, the instrument will be taken away.
- 6 students get woodblocks & mallets out of bin, sit in the middle of the circle. When finished, I choose 6 more.
3. Hickory Dickory Dock
- Move hands up and say "oooooo" with voice going higher after the phrase: "The mouse ran up the clock."
- Move hands down and say "oooooo" with voice going lower after the phrase: "The mouse went down."
- (You could play a slide whistle as they say "oooooo.")
- Then I demonstrate glockenspiel glissando going up (I play with glock facing the students, backwards to me). Students mirror movement with hand, demonstrating moving from left to right for "up the clock" and from right to left for "down the clock."
4. Move & Freeze Activity
- Students turn on "bubbles."
- I play music on keyboard with no beat (using a sound with long, sustained tones) - they move in long, slow, sustained movements
- I play march-sounding music with beats on keyboard, they stop and pat knees.
5. Hop Old Squirrel - While still in "bubbles," I begin to sing a new song. I explain that they should act out the words as I sing them and freeze on the last word: “dee." I sing different words, such as "walk," "jump," "hop," (explaining the difference between jump and hop being the difference between using 2 feet and 1 foot, respectively), "march," "tiptoe," etc. As time allows, students can brainstorm ways to move.
- Steady Beat
- Singing voice
- Melody: high, low
- Movement
1. Sing School Song & Character Counts
2. Welcome Back to School
- Practice the "high / low" parts again, this time students demonstrate high and low with arms up and down
- I play some notes high and low on the keyboard. Students demonstrate with their arms whether I am playing high or low.
- "I can _____ and count to eight," put in word "click." Students pantomime using woodblocks.
- I demonstrate how to play woodblocks and explain the instrument rule: Students must only play when they are supposed to. If they play when they are not supposed to, the instrument will be taken away.
- 6 students get woodblocks & mallets out of bin, sit in the middle of the circle. When finished, I choose 6 more.
3. Hickory Dickory Dock
- Move hands up and say "oooooo" with voice going higher after the phrase: "The mouse ran up the clock."
- Move hands down and say "oooooo" with voice going lower after the phrase: "The mouse went down."
- (You could play a slide whistle as they say "oooooo.")
- Then I demonstrate glockenspiel glissando going up (I play with glock facing the students, backwards to me). Students mirror movement with hand, demonstrating moving from left to right for "up the clock" and from right to left for "down the clock."
4. Move & Freeze Activity
- Students turn on "bubbles."
- I play music on keyboard with no beat (using a sound with long, sustained tones) - they move in long, slow, sustained movements
- I play march-sounding music with beats on keyboard, they stop and pat knees.
5. Hop Old Squirrel - While still in "bubbles," I begin to sing a new song. I explain that they should act out the words as I sing them and freeze on the last word: “dee." I sing different words, such as "walk," "jump," "hop," (explaining the difference between jump and hop being the difference between using 2 feet and 1 foot, respectively), "march," "tiptoe," etc. As time allows, students can brainstorm ways to move.
LESSON 5 - Rhythm / Melody
- Steady Beat
- Singing voice
- Melody: high, low
- Movement
1. Sing School Song & Character Counts
- Steady Beat
- Singing voice
- Melody: high, low
- Movement
1. Sing School Song & Character Counts
2. Hickory Dickory Dock
- Review high / low, up / down
- all kids facing me, half class on one side, half on other with an aisle between them
- Teach both groups both parts:
a. Left side: temple blocks in front of them - "tick tock" pattern on the steady beat. Students pantomime, then take turns on temple blocks (2 students per temple block). They must continue to pantomime in order to get a turn.
b. Right side: 2 glockenspiels in front. Students pantomime "ooooooo" up and down movements with hands, then 1 student per glockenspiel.
- Switch sides so each child gets to play one of the parts.
3. Hop Old Squirrel - Students in bubbles, I sing song. Like last time, they act out the words as I sing them and freeze on the last word: “dee." I sing different words, such as "walk," "jump," "hop," (explaining the difference between jump and hop being the difference between using 2 feet and 1 foot, respectively), "march," "tiptoe," etc. As time allows, students can brainstorm ways to move.
- Teach both groups both parts:
a. Left side: temple blocks in front of them - "tick tock" pattern on the steady beat. Students pantomime, then take turns on temple blocks (2 students per temple block). They must continue to pantomime in order to get a turn.
b. Right side: 2 glockenspiels in front. Students pantomime "ooooooo" up and down movements with hands, then 1 student per glockenspiel.
- Switch sides so each child gets to play one of the parts.
3. Hop Old Squirrel - Students in bubbles, I sing song. Like last time, they act out the words as I sing them and freeze on the last word: “dee." I sing different words, such as "walk," "jump," "hop," (explaining the difference between jump and hop being the difference between using 2 feet and 1 foot, respectively), "march," "tiptoe," etc. As time allows, students can brainstorm ways to move.
LESSON 6 - Rhythm / Melody
- Steady Beat
- Singing voice
- Melody: high, low
- Movement
1. Sing School Song & Character Counts - I explain meaning of lyrics.
2. Students are put in a seating chart on the risers (up until now they were sitting in a circle on the floor).
3. Hickory Dickory Dock
- Review high / low, up / down
- metallophones – show students this picture (below) – which is up? (answer is "on the right")
- play glissandos: 3 kids on metallophones,
tick tock pattern - 3 kids on woodblocks
tick tock pattern - 3 kids on woodblocks
4. Hop Old Squirrel – Circle game (I keep track who has been “it” for each day. Each day we play, I choose about 5 students to be “it,” choosing different students each day.)
Rhythm Band Instruments RB9558 Soprano Diatonic Glockenspiel (Google Affiliate Ad)
Rhythm Band Instruments RB9666 Alto Diatonic Xylophone (Google Affiliate Ad)
Rhythm Band Instruments RB9558 Soprano Diatonic Glockenspiel (Google Affiliate Ad)